Friday, November 18, 2011
The Day
Dr. Mohd Fitri Ezwan bin Ahmad Baki,
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Monash University.
Terima kasih, semua.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My Oath
Friday, November 11, 2011
Orang Luar
"wahai bangsaku, apa dah jadi dengan kita sekarang ini?"
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Sheikh al-Fir
Macbeth: Act 1, Scene 7
Monday, November 07, 2011
Batu Gajah
Ahli akademik sering menganggap golongan 'agama' sebagai tidak akademik atau saintifik dalam method perjuangannya.
Golongan 'agama' pula sering curiga dengan ahli akademik yang tiris ke arah 'logik' dan skeptik.
Aku rasa: peliharalah keseimbangan. Kecilkan ego.
Ya Tuhan, peliharalah aku dari kesombongan ilmu pengetahuan.
*kemas kini
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Ada beberapa noktah yang ingin aku kongsikan:
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Erti hidup pada memberi.
#matlamat hidup
*kemas kini
Hati tak tenang. Argh!
Solat jom!
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
2, 3 bulan akan datang
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Munazzamun fi syu'unihi
*Kemas kini
Aku sekarang di Hargreave-Andrew Library. Mulanya nak balik awal selepas selesai submit online assignment, tapi tergendala sebab hujan... Hujan! Dah lama tak hujan lebat sebegini. Mula-mula tadi guruh, kemudian petir, dan lepas tu turun hujan rahmat. Komputer yang aku gunakan dekat dengan tingkap, menghadap makmal kimia tingkat dua bersebelahan dengan taman. Beberapa pasangan kekasih mat saleh 'bersidai' di tepi tingkap, melihat hujan turun menitik-nitik, sambil saling mengungkapkan janji kasih, barangkali. Aku senyum. Sejuk! Sejuk dalam kebasahan dan kedinginan hujan perolakan.Sejuk yang menghembus sampai ke dasar hati. Terasa seperti air wudhu' segar yang diambil di tepi sumur sawah...
Barangkali, dalam seminit dua lagi, redalah hujan. InshaAllah. Kalau tak reda pun, boleh redah rintik-rintik hujan kurniaan Ilahi. Biar basah ubun dan jemalaku. Biar basah denyut nadiku. Biar basah dengan titik-titik Kauthar.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Pejam mata, buka mata, toleh ke kiri, toleh ke kanan, hari ini dan hari esok...
...tembok itu masih di situ?
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Dalam dingin subuh
Pada Subuh itu ada suatu kekuatan,
Pada Subuh itu ada ikatan kesatuan,
Pada Subuh itu ada janji kemenangan.
Bangkitlah, dan Agungkanlah Tuhanmu.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
manusia itu kerdil
Kadang-kadang, dalam kegelojohan kita untuk menggapai kesempurnaan dan kekamilan, kita tanpa sedar masuk ke dalam jurang kekeliruan dan kejumudan yang sering kita cemuh-cemuhkan itu.
Our failure to understand it will cost us another millennia to rise. Again.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Noktah-noktah hidup
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Satu dalam seribu
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Là où tout a commencé, Là où tout finira.
..di mana segalanya telah bermula, di mana segalanya akan berakhir.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
- Airway and C-spine Stabilization
- Breathing and Ventilation
- Circulation and Haemorrhage control
- Disability and Distracting injury
- Environment and Exposure
" The games afoot! Follow your spirit and upon this charge! "
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Thursday, June 02, 2011
the sea is yours
Sunday, May 29, 2011
never knowing the reason why.
But who ever treasures freedom,
like the swallow has learned to fly."
Donna Donna - Joan Baez
- Langkah awal untuk mematangkan, atau yang aku rasa lebih utama di fasa ini; untuk merelevankan, politik kampus
- ...yang secara tidak langsungnya, akan mempersediakan pemimpin-pemimpin politik, atau yang aku rasa lebih utama; pemimpin-pemimpin masyarakat, yang competent pada masa akan datang
- Menyediakan sarana yang baik untuk pengembangan interaksi pemikiran dan intelektual rakyat Malaysia yang bercirikan silang-budaya dan silang-agama
- Medan pertemuan dan 'kilang penghasilan' tokoh-tokoh belia di peringkat nasional dan seterusnya di peringkat global.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
home sweet home

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Junbi wa dekimashita ka?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
f = ma, ∴ f - ma = 0?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
- tentang usianya; pada apa dihabiskannya
- tentang masa mudanya; apa yang telah diperjuangkannya
- tentang hartanya; dari mana datangnya dan ke mana telah dibelanjakannya
- tentang ilmunya; apa yang telah dibuatnya.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
pil dan akar kayu
- Beban penyakit
- Beban kos ubatan
- Beban informasi
Monday, April 25, 2011
Buscopan, Gascoal, ORS & Loperamide
Mula-mula, gagahkan juga nak pergi, tapi lepas terhuyung-hayang dlm OT, consultant suruh balik. Ambil ubat dulu, lepas tu balik.
Seksa juga sakit ni. Walaupun tak serius mana.
Muhasabah : ingat lima sebelum lima, syukuri nikmat kesihatan.
Video ini informatif - pengetahuan am.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Memang seronok kalau berbincang pasal ini. Tambah-tambah lagi sekarang dalam fasa memohon dan memilih tempat kerja.
Untuk aku, polisi buat masa ini adalah 'keep it opened'. Mohon sebanyak mana yang boleh, pastikan ufuk sentiasa terbentang luas.
Keputusan kita buat nanti.
Untuk Malaysia:
1. Hospital Tuanku Bainun, Ipoh.
2. Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor Bahru.
Untuk Australia:
Frankston Hospital
Box Hill Hospital
Shepparton Hospital
South Australia
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Modbury Hospital
Western Australia
Royal Perth Hospital
Friday, April 01, 2011
A doctor I would wait hours for to see
It was a busy day for the clinic as usual. As expected I had to wait for my turn to see the doctor. In the humid environment, some people were already showing their frustration, so did I.
When my number was called, I entered Room 6, where I saw a young Chinese doctor. I am impressed by the way this doctor treats his patient.
I don’t know his name but from the way he treated me, I wouldn’t mind waiting for hours to visit such a doctor.
He explained in detail everything regarding my disease, and examined me properly even on such a busy day.
No doctor before him used the stethoscope to listen to my heartbeat and breathing, but he did.
All the previous doctors just informed me “semua darah ok”, except this young doctor who explained my blood results to me in detail.
Although it was lunch hour, this doctor continued to see all the patients.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank this young Chinese doctor in Room 6, Klinik Kesihatan Kepala Batas, for his professional service.
Besides, I hope the Health Ministry will send more doctors to the district clinics to meet the health needs of the rakyat.
Kepala Batas, Penang.
Hooray! =)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Gambar-gambar manusia beratur panjang-panjang untuk mendapatkan bekalan dan membeli barang keperluan sebagai bukti. Jelas di dada-dada akhbar.
Agaknya perkara yang samakah boleh berlaku di Malaysia?
Kalau teringatkan kes duit syiling dan beras bertabur di atas lebuh raya dulu - rasanya tidak.
Dan kita mengaku kita orang berakhlak =)
Lagu ini menarik. Tahniah Aizat Amdan.
.... yang mengingatkan bahawa aku dah lama tak balik rumah.
Friday, March 18, 2011
I didn't practice medicine to please anyone.
Long live life!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Seorang Guru Tua.
Masih lagi mengajar,
Sedang aku kini sudah besar,
Dulu wajahnya muda,
Kini rambut memutih kepala,
Ada anak-anak muridnya,
Kini memegang jawatan tinggi,
Tidak kurang pula,
Bergelar usahawan berjaya.
Guruku yang baik,
Masih di situ,
Masih memandu kereta lama,
Masih menuju sekolah yang sama,
Tiada kelihatan jemu,
Dari air mukanya,
Tiada kedengaran bosan,
Dari suara bibirnya,
Dia gigih menggenggam,
Tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan.
Guruku yang baik,
Dia masih di situ,
Berdiri sebagai guru,
Menabur jasa-jasa,
Dialah pendidik bangsa!
Seorang Guru Tua
Goenawan Mahmood, 1987.
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Mohon petunjukNya, mohon kekekuatanNya, mohon keredhaanNya.
Khair, insha-Allah, khair..
Monday, February 28, 2011
Kamera Nikon D40x tentunya bukan antara wish-list fotografer-fotografer sekarang, tapi what-the-heck, kamera itu telah banyak berjasa padaku. Ke gunung sudah, ke laut sudah, ke hutan sudah, ke kenduri kahwin sudah, ke Australia, Indonesia, Jepun, Thailand sudah, apa lagi yang aku nak? Badannya yang ringan dan fungsi yang tidak begitu kompleks membuatkan dia adalah sahabat kembara yang sejati.
Oh, aku belum beri nama padanya. Baiklah, namanya adalah Qutb.
Rest in peace, buddy. Lest I forget.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
kita sibuk
Kasihan pada penulis novel Interlok yang kini jadi sensasi, Datuk Abdullah Hussain. Kasihan kerana dia adalah mangsa keadaan.
Pelik juga, kerana jarang, di Malaysia, sasterawan diberi publisiti hangat sampai sedemikian rupa.
Pelik juga, kerana jarang, di Malaysia, sebuah buku diberi kritikan padu sampai sebegitu rupa.
Sebab, secara purata, rakyat kita yang berjumlah 28 juta ini sebenarnya tak gemar membaca pun.
*Satu muka surat pada 1997, dua muka surat pada 2002, dan dua naskah buku pada 2005.
Memalukan! Entah apa yang kita sibukkan agaknya.
*kajian profil membaca di Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (PNM) Sumber: Arkib Utusan Malaysia
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Merci, Mercy!
But it did happen. Why?
Well, I don't know. I don't know how to speculate. What I know is that it could happen again.
Up to this writing, some parts of Johor were already under-water, perhaps due to the unceasing and massive rainfall for the past 3 or 4 days. Areas around Johor Bahru like Kulai and Ulu Tiram were all affected, though not as bad as some areas in Segamat.
Even though the magnitude of the flood is not that menacing as compared to 2007, issues like hygiene and food are still very much reverberate with the same intensity. Why? Probably because the number of families that needs to be relocated is pretty much the same, hence the same amount of victims involved.
I went to Ulu Tiram last night under the banner of MERCY Malaysia, an international humanitarian aid organization, to distribute some health goods and stuff related to personal and basic hygiene. In some areas, in addition, we need to set up mobile clinics. We were organized under several teams and were given specific flood centre to attend to.
In my opinion, food is not really a problem, but hygiene is. The condition of the flood centres are really bad. Taking into account that most of its temporary inhabitants were children, senior citizens and expectant mothers, the gravity of the problem could easily multiplied into a dangerous level. Clean water is a scarcity and waterborne diseases are rampant. And these problems will continue to create nuisance even long after the flood has subsided.
Fortunately, the help is prompt this time. An army of volunteers as well as government sector 'flood' in those areas almost immediately, with various kind of aids and goods. It is good and also heart-warming to see that these people stayed up the night just to make sure that the victims are properly taken care of.
Seeing this thing reminds me that maybe there are still some amount of altruism left, albeit a small one, in this so-called modernizing society. That's right, love and compassion towards others are what we really need these days, even though it is harder to get by, day by day.
On a different note, the team is still organizing a mission tomorrow to an indigenous - Orang Asli - settlement in Kahang. I was told that the place is not accessible now by road. They had to arrange for a boat or two to get there with the Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA). They need two teams at least for this particular mission; one team comprised of a medical team and another for huminatarian aid. I was told to be on stand-by tomorrow, and if I join them, that means I won't be home for Chinese New Year holidays. Sorry mom! (as if she reads this)
I need to get back to sleep. May Allah S.W.T forgive us for what we have done and bless us with good life.
"Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle
Monday, January 31, 2011
Seekor burung pipit di syurga

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A decision is made when we have, or appear to have, more than one choice. Usually, we use few factors to help us to decide.
But, factors can only influence. Religion, moral values, certain philosophies, economy, intellectuality or rationality etc. can only, at best, highlight why a certain choice is far more superior than the other one.
At the end of the corridor, it is not them who made the choice. Who, then, is?
Here's a question. Do we really make a decision while we are dreaming? Is there an active role for the dreamer to make a choice of, say, A instead of B? Or does anyone remember solving any mathematical equation in their dream?
In short, is there any thinking process involved in the realm of dreams?
For, as far as I could remember, dreams are likely to be described as narratives; the dreamer is just there to play the prescribed act.
Therefore, does our subconscious mind made those decisions all this while?
What does subconscious state of mind has to do, if any, with our 'true self' - the soul. Are they the same thing?
Does the choice we made in our dream shows who we really are?
I don't have all the answers. Yet. But, anyhow, here is my verdict.
We do make decision in our dream. We don't really realize it simply because we know exactly what to decide in any given dream-circumstances.
No matter how many options we have, we always knew exactly what to choose and precisely what to do. It is as clear as and as simple as choosing between drinking water or eating sand for a lost and thirsty bedouin.
When the choice is crystal clear, perhaps we don't realize we are actively making one, at all.
Why it is not like that, then, when we are awake?
Or, if you like the expansive version, why do we tend to ignore the subconscious voice while making decision in our day-to-day life?
I believe that if we could somehow reactivate our subconscious mind during our conscious state, then perhaps most of those difficult decision we have to make may not seem so difficult afterall.
Who or what controls this subconscious mind? Where does it come from? Where would it return to?
Perhaps Imam al-Ghazali rhm has something to offer.
According to him "man is formed of a body and a heart- and by the heart I mean the essence of man's spirit which is the seat of knowledge of God" (McCarthy 1980).
I think it is time for me to do some soul-searching. I have a strange feeling that the direction of my quest would behave something like a centripetal force.
To the centre - and to the whole universe!
*yawns* Good night.
* Are we human, or are we dancers? The Killers -Human
1. McCarthy, R. J.. Freedom and Fulfillment: An Annotated Translation of Al-Ghazzali's al-Munqidh min al-Dalal and Other Relevant Works of al-Ghazzali. Boston: Twayne Publishers 1980
Friday, January 21, 2011
Papan di Sitiawan
Papan di Jawa hamba dirikan,
Kalau sungguh Islam bertakhta,
Jiwa raga hamba turutkan!

Moh le kite!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Kerana itu
Barangkali Rasulullah (S.A.W) tak perlu berdarah dihumbani batu,
Kalau bukan kerana itu,
Barangkali Sumaiyyah tak perlu menanggung seksa sembilu,
Kalau bukan kerana itu,
Barangkali Muhajirin tak perlu bersusah ke negeri baru,
Kalau bukan kerana itu,
Barangkali pemuda Badar kecut melihat musuh nan seribu,
Kalau bukan kerana itu,
Barangkali alam Melayu akan kekal beku dan layu,
Ya Tuhanku, apakah itu?
Daku tak lagi tahu.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
made, not born
....Oookay, mungkin tidaklah sedramatik itu, tapi ideanya begitulah.
- setting specific goals
- obtaining immediate feedbacks
- concentrating as much on technique as on outcome
Sunday, January 09, 2011
the enemy within
Boredom, not hard work, is the real enemy.
Dr. Andrew Smith, British Medical Journal.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Saturday, January 01, 2011
hanya angka semata
Aku rindukan keluarga yang bahagia dan berfungsi.
Mungkinkah tahun baru ini bakal menjanjikan mimpi-mimpi yang palsu lagi?
Ah, pergi jahanam!