
Friday, January 20, 2012

Tahun Naga

Tadi aku kemaskan akaun peribadi, dan buat pelan financial untuk tahun 2012. Aku tahu dah terlambat, tapi pelan terpaksa ditangguhkan sebab tak pasti lagi gaji dapat berapa.


2012 - Tahun Ikat Perut.

Jadi slim macam naga cina pun ok.


soleil m said...

i beg to differ dr as some nagas aren't slim. hehe!

all the best utk perancangan financial! insyaAllah, ade rezeki lebih di mana2 :D

Fitri Ezwan said...

dear soleil m,

it's true that some nagas aren't slim. that's why I specified it to be the Chinese dragon.

dragons in the European culture are, on the contrary, quite muscular (if they are foul beasts) or obese (if they are cute) with ridiculously small wings.

south-east asian nagas are a hybrid between that of the Chinese's and that of the giant serpent of Hindu mythology. they have the tendency to make hidden lakes and swamps as their abode, like Tasik Chini and Menam Chao Phraya.

terima kasih atas doanya. amin, inshaAllah.
