These pamphlets were published by Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) of Malaysia for their campaign of violence against women/domestic violence.
Please forgive me for the low quality pictures, as they were taken from my camera phone.
It says "He loves you : Crystal Cube Bracelet RM1950" and when you flip it over, there were bruises on the poor lady's skin hidden underneath the bracelet.

And this one "Everything comes with a price: Titanium shades RM850" and when you flip it over, there were bruises around the poor lady's right eye. Clue to suggest punch or blunt trauma, I suppose.

"Domestic violence should not be bought off by gifts and empty promises. Stop him before he stops you...for good"
So, I, in the support of this campaign, would like to convey these simple messages to everyone out there
- "Stop domestic violence. It's just plain pathetic - yes, you, the abusive husband"
- "Be strong and step out of this misery. He doesn't deserve your love/loyalty - yes, you, my ladies"
Nada against domestic violence too! Regardless if it's the husband or the wife as the abuser. Violence should not happen in a constitution built on love. The campaign must go on because a huge population of abused spouses aren't aware of support groups.
I agree.
Education is one of the way - if not the only way - to get those messages out in the community.
Support group, in essence, is about self-empowerment. To educate their members that they are in control, and that they have choices, and that they can decide on their behalf.
But, the real challenge, I believe, is not about transforming/empowering them; but to break their own fear and get them into the groups.
Apparently, it is due to the sense of guilt and honour; that if they join these groups, they're indirectly admitting their own weakness and it'll bring shame into the family's name.
correct me if i'm wrong.
Bingo! You're right. Providing support is only the second stage of the process. The first being able to make them realize that they NEED the support.
But I believe with the ongoing advancements in media & education, they will come out from their hiding and answer the call. Also, society will start picking up signs of abuse and join in the fight against domestic violence.
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