a quick one; drove by the compulsion to write.
. will be going to Shah Alam this evening.
. things with Petronas is getting more and more complicated.
. my cousin, bro Wildan ( who is also my sunat-mate ;) ) is engaged last week, Alhamdulillah.
. Dr. Hafez is indeed an interesting guy, as much as his writings.
. it's good to hear that my brothers are recovering from the traumatic accident.
. neuroanatomy/neurosurgery is an interesting field.
. I just knew that Che-Guevara is a medical doctor. Hehe.
. I'm planning to get involve more in MERCY Malaysia.
. for all the things that I have asked You, & all the things i have wept in front of You Istajibillah-humma du'a ana, Ya Allah...

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