
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Dua Puluh Dua Puluh Satu

 Hampir 2 tahun setengah aku tidak menulis di sini.

Ada beberapa noktah yang ingin aku kongsikan pada diri sendiri.

1. Redha / self-appreciation and self-acceptance.

2. Istiqamah / disiplin diri.

3. Ihsan/ remembrance of God in everything and anything that we do.

4. Cinta dan keindahan.

5. Syukur dan ketaqwaan.

Friday, May 04, 2018

Pilihanraya ke-14

Selamat memilih, Malaysia !

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Di sini..

...lahirnya sebuah cinta

Monday, April 02, 2018

Tanah + rumah

We are going to buy a small block of land very soon and looking forward to build our first house in Australia by the middle of this year, inshaAllah.

Naturally I am excited. We all are.

It will be very near to a school/college, across the field, tucked away from the main road. Not very far from our current rented house.

Moga yang baik-baik sahaja untuk masa hadapan. Amin.

Sunday, January 07, 2018


I'm ditching DSLR for Micro Four Thirds system.

My sister's wedding will be next week. Lets put this MFT to the test.

I'm more interested in making short video now. I think this is where MFT trumps over DSLR; if we compare bang-for-buck. Hard to compete with a full-frame DSLR on stills.

"Kamon papa, kamonn" -Mikhail

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

In summary

Dua bulan lagi berakhirlah tahun 2017.  
Buat masa ini;

1. Fasa terakhir Fellowship FRACGP. Doakan.

2. Tahun depan berpindah tempat kerja. Akan meninggalkan hospital dan klinik sekarang ke klinik yang lebih kecil lagi, tapi lebih dekat dengan rumah. 

Akan meninggalkan acute care buat sementara dan fokus kepada primary care.

3. Mikhail sudah ada lebih 80+ patah perkataan. Forming simple sentences dalam 3-4 patah perkataan. Makin kurang stereotyping behavior. Gemar bermain role-play. Curious dan suka bertanya. Tetapi masih ada beberapa elemen perkembangan sosial yang belum berkembang.

Kalau dalam kelompok besar seperti tadika/playground, dia akan main dalam dunia dia sendiri, atau memerhati dari jauh dan akan main selepas itu. Kadang-kadang dia akan buat-buat tak peduli orang di tepinya; tapi ekor matanya sering menjeling dan observe. Akan lari kalau ditegur/disapa.

Kalau dalam kumpulan kecil (2-3orang kawan), dia akan lebih confident untuk berinteraksi, tetapi akan 'mencuri' beberapa minit untuk menyendiri/menyorok, sebelum join semula. Sepertinya komunikasi dengan orang itu melelahkan agaknya, perlu recharge semula. Kitar ini biasanya seperti berikut 20min main- 5min solo - ulang.

Makin behave, boleh tunggu giliran, boleh sit down, tapi tak lebih dari 10-20minit. Kalau ada aktiviti sosial/urusan rasmi yang perlukan lebih masa; perlu ada strategi untuk 'mengisi' kebosanan. Semasa fasa 2-3 tahun; jangan harap boleh makan di restaurant. Waiting in line for ticket/boarding airplane is a nightmare. Sekarang ini bolehlah sikit-sikit. Kami masih menolak/tapis pelawaan kawan-kawan untuk makan di luar atas sebab ini. Harap tidak kecil hati.

4. Andika is growing ever so fast! Selalu bergaduh dengan Mikhail, berebut mainan, dan selalunya tidak nampak sebarang tanda yang Andika akan mengalah. Dia lawan balik. Very cheeky, suka mengusik abangnya. Manja dengan mamanya.

Andika is not a picky eater, unlike his brother. Both of them love fruits. 

Andika likes to build things while Mikhail prefers to animate his toys. So the typical scenario in our house is; Andika will architect the diorama and Mikhail will fill it in with his trains and figures(?Inception :D). They don't usually talk to each other though. And in the end, both of them will turn into Godzilla and destroy the whole things. Leaving us zombie-faced parents to clean-up the mess. 

We need some discipline with these boys! 

Tahun depan kami rancang hantar Andika ke day-care untuk sehari. Cuba-cuba. 

5. We are torn in between building a house here in the regional area or buying a house/unit in the city. I'm feeling the pressure to own a house here. For security purposes. So far we have secured property in Malaysia but not here. I guess it is a big decision to make and long-term repayment to commit to after all. 

Saliza is still keeping the option of going back after 2020 and therefore she is pushing for making more investment in Malaysia. I, on the other hand, was thinking of residing here for awhile and having Malaysia as our retirement plan. 

We will see.

6. It has been awhile since I do something that interest me. I haven't had activities that I could call hobbies for awhile.  I haven't touch a book (other than medical literature) for ages, my car is as boring as fish, I sold my DSLR,  I'm way out of shape, I couldn't attend my karate classes ;Life seems to ceased to be my own. 

But I guess ; so is Saliza. And so are thousands of young parents everywhere. 

Regret? No. 

I guess we both made conscious decision in shifting our priority. 

The early phases of parenting were not all morning-glory. It was literally gloomy and in fact quite depressing. Exhausted physically and emotionally-drained. We both in a mess. Everything seems to be a routine and house works were back-breaking chores. We thought that our 'me-time' was our way to recharge  ourselves but, frankly, it was our attempt to run away from problems in retrospect. We made excuses and began finger-pointing.

So what had happened?

We sat and talked. Many times. Countless of times. We did soul-searching and pray. We argued and reconciled. We didn't tell our parents because, well, both of my parents had gone through enough during their recent separation and both of Saliza's parents are no longer with us.  

Much later it dawn to us that ; nurturing our kids and guiding their young minds is our project. Seeing them achieving things even as menial as learning new words everyday will mean a whole new world to us. 

It was not too far to say that we saw the world quite differently from there.

Short trip to the mall to do groceries was probably a dreadful thing in the past, but now we see this as learning opportunities for the kids to learn new veges/fruits and things and for them to take some responsibilities like carrying the fruits, learn to count with the eggs, paying the cash to cashier girl (Mikhail's favourite) or even just simply pushing the cart around. 

Suddenly everything seems to be an opportunity and little mundane things like splashes of water from Andika's  jumping boot (Peppa Pig's influence) was a joy to behold and a source of perpetual wonder.

I did not say that everything went all right just like that. No. We still have our bad days. We still argue. Mikhail and Andika still throwing their tantrums and having meltdowns; but hey, I guess we could say that we are happier now.

I guess we could now say that we want to do this because we want it; not because we have to do it.

And for that; I honestly could not ask for more.

" Poor and content is rich, and rich enough!" Othello Act 3, Scene 3


Dan juga mereka (yang diredhai Allah itu ialah orang-orang) yang berdoa dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhan kami, berilah kami beroleh dari isteri-isteri dan zuriat keturunan kami: perkara-perkara yang menyukakan hati melihatnya, dan jadikanlah kami imam ikutan bagi orang-orang yang (mahu) bertaqwa.  

Surah Furqan: Ayat 24

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Tahun 2016 bakal berakhir dalam masa 3 hari lagi. 
Selamat datang 2017.

Tahun 2016 adalah tahun yang mencabar.

Tahun pertama beranak dua. Andika lahir bawa kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan.

Mikhail perlukan terapi berkala utk speech delay dan autism spectrumnya/asperger (alhamdulillah ada progress, inshaAllah ada satu posting khas nanti). Cabarannya bukan kepalang, tapi kami redha dan bersyukur. Mama and papa love you Mikhail!

Kami juga menghadapi keadaan ekonomi keluarga yang tak menentu. 

Dan berakhir dengan penceraian ibu dan ayah awal bulan Disember. Sedih! Tapi, jika itu yang terbaik, aku mohon Allah SWT lapangkan hidup dan berkati umur kedua orang tuaku. 

Dari segi kerjaya, aku sangat berpuas hati dengan pengalaman dan environment kerja yang stimulating dan juga rewarding. InshaAllah akan memasuki fasa akhir Master dan juga Fellowship tahun depan.


2016 berlalu dengan memori pahit dan manis. 

Aku bersyukur pada Allah SWT yang sentiasa menunjukkan jalan keluar, 'menegur' mana yang silap dan memberi 'peluang' memperbaik mana yang kurang.

Aku berterima kasih pada isteriku yang tersayang, kerana sanggup bersama menghadapi semua ini. Terima kasih! Engkaulah kekuatanku. Engkaulah segalanya. 

2016 masa kita banyak dihabiskan di rumah. InshaAllah untuk 2017, harapnya lebih aktif dan amal keluarga bertambah gencar! 

Kita mohon padaNya, dan kembalikan semua padaNya.

I have a good feeling about this one!